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Always stays in control, so you can stop or avoid other people or objects.
People ahead of you have the right-of-way. It is your responsibility to avoid them in a courteous and responsible manner.
You must NOT stop where you obstruct a trail, lift line, ramps or are not visible from above.
Whenever starting downhill or merging into a trail, look uphill and yield to others.
Always use devices (ski brakes/leashes) to help prevent runaway equipment.
Observe all posted signs and warnings, especially slow and closed trail signs.
Never jump, ollie or slide objects (tables, fences, trash cans, etc.) other than those in the snowboard park.
Prior to using any lift, you must know how to load, ride and unload safely.
Profanity is not acceptable.
Alpine sports are recreational activities that continually challenge the human spirit. Natural and man-made obstacles are part of that challenge of man against the mountain and the elements, but collisions with other people and objects can cause permanent, catastrophic injury or death.
Please be aware that Easier does not necessarily mean Beginner at Seven Springs. As a beginner, you should ski/ride the trails marked with a Double Green Circle. As you get better you can then work your way up the other levels (Green Circle, Blue Square, Black Diamond, Double Black Diamond)
To enjoy alpine sports, you must know and be willing to accept the limits of your ability. Use caution and have fun. Changing weather, snow conditions and natural and man-made obstacles exist and are part of the challenge. It is important to realize that trail conditions do change during the day through grooming, snowmaking, usage and weather. Please keep this in mind during the day and adjust your choice of terrain accordingly. Your safety will be directly affected by your judgment.
Alpine sports also challenge your physical condition and may cause stress. Recognize your limitations. If you are tired or cold, stop for a while. Those who are tired and exceed the limits of their ability are more vulnerable to mishaps. You will reduce the risks of injury and enjoy yourself more if you are in good shape and good health.

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