Students NOT Riding the Bus Home
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On occasion, there are students that ask to be excused from the bus ride home.
(Their parents are at 7-springs and wish to bring the student home.)
In order for this to happen, the following THREE THINGS are required:
Mr. Racchini must have a dated note written and signed by the student’s parent, which indicates their intent to take over the responsibility of that student. This note must be in Mr. Racchini’s hand before the student is allowed to leave with their parent. An email is NOT a valid note. Likewise, a phone call or text from a parent is not an acceptable request. We must have a written and signed note from the student’s parent or legal guardian (not a brother/sister or a friend’s parent) for our records.
2. Any student that has requested to not return with the club must report to the bus at 8:30 – 9:00 and report only to Mr. Racchini.
Any Parent that has requested to take responsibility for their child must also report to the bus at 8:30 – 9:00 to “officially” take over the responsibility. (We can not take just your word that you will be at 7-springs. We need to see you and your child together at the bus at 8:30)
These requirements are mandatory and not up for any kind of negotiation! If any of the three requirements are not met, the student will be riding the bus home with the rest of the club.
Responsibility Code
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