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If you are interested in assisting the students of the club during our trips, then please contact Mr. Racchini (jracchini@franklinregional.k12.pa.us) to have him add your name to the list of potential chaperones. The club is looking to have several chaperones this year. As the club grows, so will the number of chaperones that are needed. Once the club roster is set, Mr. Racchini will reach out to a number of people on the list depending on the number chaperones needed.
Because of the new policies put in place by the new owners, we are also asking that all Chaperones have their own Epic Pass or Epic 3 Day Pass.
Dinner will be provided to the Chaperones.
Please keep in mind that all chaperones must meet the requirements of School Districts Volunteer Policy 7407:
The Policy outlines the need for two (2) clearances unless the Volunteer is planning to serve as a chaperone (daytime or overnight) then they need all three (3)
More information about the clearances needed are outlined in the Policy and can be found on district Website by clicking the link below:
All documents are to be submitted to the building office and Mr. Racchini will verify their submission.
Responsibilities will include:
Checking Students on and off of the bus.
Supervising the proper loading/ unloading all of the equipment.
Assist in the monitoring of the behavior of the students while on the bus and at 7-Springs.
Assisting students with their equipment and lift tickets.
Escorting and assisting any first timers to the beginner area.
Be available to students on the slope and/or in the lodge.
Assisting Mr. Racchini and/or Ski Patrol during emergencies.
Must be able to be at the school on Wednesdays by 2:20 PM on days of the trips.
Chaperones must be reliable and constant. Please don't summit your name unless you can commit to all dates of our trips
(and the possible makeup date Wednesday).
Only Ski & Board Club members and pre-approved chaperones may ride the club buses to and from 7-springs.
Club Shirts
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