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1. How we get on the Bus:
No one will be allowed on the bus until Mr. Racchini gives the OK to do so. When you enter the bus a chaperone or club officer will ask for your last name and mark on our roster sheet that you are now on the bus. Once you are on the bus, you are ON it until the bus arrives at either the school or 7-Springs.
Procedures and Expectations
2. Loading and Unloading the Bus :
As stated above, I will ask a few students or chaperones to be equipment loaders on the trip. Their job is to make sure all equipment is properly loaded and unloaded under the bus. The loaders will be dismissed a little earlier from class to help prepare and load the equipment before we leave the school. When we leave 7-Springs, typically they will be the last ones on the bus to make sure that all equipment is properly loaded under the bus.
(A) Loading at School: When you are dismissed from class, you will find that your ski clothes (bags) will be in the main lobby and your equipment will already be outside on the curb. We will ask you to first get changed as quickly as possible (boots and coats can wait until we are almost there). After you are dressed you are to sit in the main lobby and wait for Mr. Racchini to address you. The quicker you get dressed and the sooner everyone gets quite and listens, then the sooner we can leave for 7-Springs. All Skis, Ski Poles, and snowboards will be placed under the bus by the designated loaders. Make sure you keep your boots with you and bring them IN the bus with you. They will stay warmer that way.
(B) Unloading at 7-Springs: I know everyone will be excited to eager to get off the bus and hit the slopes, but no one will be allowed off the bus until Mr. Racchini gives the OK to do so. When we arrive at 7-springs, ONLY the designated equipment loaders will exit the bus while the ski patrol greets the rest of the students. These few students and chaperones will be unloading and stacking the skis and boards somewhere near the bus. Once Mr. Racchini returns addresses each bus with final instructions for the night, all other students may exit the bus. All students will grab one LED Light as they exit the bus. You may use the lockers or put your empty equipment bag back under the bus (DO NOT JUST LEAVE IT ON THE GROUND)
(C) Loading at 7-Springs: When you return to the bus, please put your snowboard or skis back in your bag or ski strap and then neatly place it under the bus. The Loaders and chaperones will also be there to assist you.
(D) Unloading at School: When we arrive at back to the Middle, the loaders will once again exit the bus first and unload all of the equipment from under the bus (All parents that are there for pickup are welcome and encouraged to help in order to make this process go faster). They will be unloading and just stacking the skies and boards somewhere near the bus. All other students will make sure that the buses are cleaned up, trash is thrown away, and also double check that they have all of their belongings. Once Mr. Racchini and the other chaperones are satisfied with the buses, all students will be permitted off the bus to gather their equipment and meet their parents. (DON'T FORGET TO GET YOUR BACKPACK FROM THE INSIDE STORAGE ROOM)
(E) Ski Straps or bags: These are great for keeping your poles with your skis and increase the likelihood that someone else will not mistakenly take any of your equipment. Affordable Ski Straps and ski bag / snowboard bags can be purchased from Peak Ski & Snowboard by Boyce Park or on Amazon
3. Passengers on the Bus
According to a Franklin Regional School District Policy, only Franklin Regional Middle School students and Pre-approved chaperones may ride the bus. Parents are still welcome drive up and ski, but they will not be permitted to ride the bus unless they have been preapproved.
4. Food and Drink is Allowed on the Bus
This is a privilege which can be taken away if it is abused. When we get on the bus it is clean, and I expect it to be clean when we get off. All drinks that are brought on the bus should have a lid. (For Example: No open containers of Hot Chocolate).
5. Cell Phones, GoPros, etc.
These are all great things to have to help pass the time on the long bus ride there and back. However, the light from the display screen and flash can be VERY distracting to the driver especially on those snowy roads. Please try to keep the light as low as possible. If road conditions are bad when we leave, students will be asked to not use these items to limit the number of distractions.